Itaoca is a municipality in the state of São Paulo in Brazil founded on December 31, 1991. It is located in the micro-region of Capão Bonito, exactly in the Ribeira Valley. Altitude: 155 m – Surface area: 182,495 km2 – Population: 3,330 (2020). In January 2014, heavy rains hit the city of Itaoca, causing 27 deaths and many injured. These rains have led to geomorphological processes of great intensity, such as the flood that affected the urban area and the landslides in the Serra, which saw their materials and debris transported towards the city center, generating great destruction.
The mayor of the municipality has declared a state of public calamity and has asked the state government for help. At least 100 houses were hit and more than 90 vehicles destroyed by the rain, which also caused serious disasters in the neighboring municipality of Apiaí.
The project consists in helping 5 families in need (already followed by the two Social Assistants Giani Santos de Freitas Martins and Christiane Rodrigues da Silva Fortes with the very few funds made available by the Municipality of Itaoca).
The Ribeira Valley Region is a rural area of Brazil, with a purely agricultural economy, concentrated in the hands of a few wealthy Fazendeiros.
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